Significant people, places and moments of Aotearoa, NZ

Te Pākanga o Ōhaeawai

“This place was known as Ōhaeawai ('the parting of the waters'). Streams flow east and west from here. In 1845, this was the site of Te Pākanga o Ōhaeawai, the Battle of Ōhaeawai.

In preparing for battle, our Rangatira used the natural resources of this valley. Heavy, iron-hard Pūriri trees, which you see around you, were used to create the inner walls.

Ingeniously, fresh woven kōrari made up the external walls, giving an apparently insubstantial look to the defences.

Acting like a trampoline, this outer wall absorbed much of the artillery fire.

Inside the pūriri walls, bunkers and ditches provided full protection. Loop-holes at ground level allowed muskets to be fired at attackers, who found themselves trapped between the two walls.

The pā is described in our oral history from this time - “at the inner palisade you will see the teeth of Ngāpuhi bared…”

Broker Brothers Design Co. was contracted to create map based interpretation for Te Pakanga o Ohaeawai, the 1845 battle site. Including physical on site signage and accompanying website. With beautiful story telling and direction provided by Tim Walker Associates.


Waikato - Taranaki: Working Across Boundaries


Rankers NZ: SLO Product Development