Why invest in quality maps?
An investment in a quality BB map is an investment in your sense-of-place.
They are an investment in your visitor’s sense of experience and local’s sense of pride.
People love a good map - this is fact. Maps inspire and inform us, they hold our attention, can deliver powerful messages, they help us, remind us of special places and people, they represent, connect and guide us.
BB Maps are:
Loved by locals
Cherished by visitors
Good maps make everything they touch better; signage, marketing collateral, holidays, visitor information, local products, airports, home walls, public spaces, i-SITES and info-centres, merchandise etc...
This in turn leads to better experiences for the people interacting with your place.
“ Hi, I wanted to send my compliments on the BB Map of Tairawhiti. I received it from the i-Site when I did a road trip around the (East) Cape a couple weeks ago and can't stop looking at it. I am a lover of maps and spend a lot of time with them in my work. As far as regional touring maps go, this one is top notch. In fact, I think 'masterpiece' would be appropriate here: - Lots of information provided in such a variety of ways as to not be overwhelming;- Silly and cute without being tacky and lame; - Precision and sketch in due measure;- Plenty of fun details to discover;- Perfect colour schemes to make the right things pop at the right times. Seriously, whatever your trying to focus on effortlessly emerges into sight as if it's the most expressed feature, but vanishes when you switch interest.
- Cheers, Lewis ”
BB Maps are accurate
Our map development process ensures our maps remain true.
BB Basemaps source information from places like LINZ Data Service, provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. Meaning you can have confidence in the accuracy of our base maps.
But this is just the starting point, we modify and build layers of hand-crafted artwork to create sense-of-place. Resulting in maps deeply connected to places, with much character, heart and soul.
BB Maps are flexible
Our map development process enables countless layers of customised content and artwork.
BB Maps are flexible, meaning they can be fully customised; re-packaged, re-sized, re-branded, re-purposed, re-cycled, re-freshed to suit your particular situation. Whether that’s tearaway maps for visitor information centres, map-based visitor products, town brochures, welcoming sign at a destination points or a fine-art print hanging on your holiday home wall. Anything is possible.
BB Maps go deeper
Our map development process connects people with NZ places.
BB Maps are about sense of place and connecting with Aotearoa, NZ. Another key part of this is developing artwork and content that comes specifally from the places the maps represent. BB maps are crafted from locally inspired typography, flora and fauna, and heritage / character artwork, local businesses and local knowledge.
BB Maps are hand-crafted
Our map development process is a hand-crafted process.
BB Maps are about sense of place and connecting with Aotearoa, NZ. A key part of that is maintaining a personal connection to our maps, this is our human touch. It adds depth to both the map development and end usage experiences.
BB Maps are loved by locals
Our map development process respects local communities.
BB Maps stir a sense of local pride because they are all about local sense of place. With our maps locals see their places represented well, respectfully and authentically. They can sometimes literally see themselves within the maps. Our flexible platform means locals also have the opportunity to contribute to their own layers of content, to customise their own maps and to influence the overall base-maps to promote and protect their places as they see fit. Which is why so many locals choose to put BB maps on their walls at home.
BB Maps are cherished by visitors
Our map development process showcases the authentic and unique.
Most visitors are searching for unique, enlightening experiences. BB Maps are about sense of place and connecting people with Aotearoa, NZ in deep and meaningful ways. This obviously helps people visiting new places get a better understanding of and feeling for the those places.
Contact us about creating the perfect map for your place.
BB Map of Aotea - The Greatest Barrier Island - Gray House Museum